1) At the stage after harvesting foliar application with THEOCOPPER at 500cc/100L water/0.1ha and THEOCAL100gr/100 L water/0.1ha. It is observed reduction of abscisic acid (ABA) resulting in the homogenous induction of buds in Spring.
1a) Foliar application with THEOBORO 100cc/100 L water/0.1ha and THEOZINC 100cc/100 L water/0.1ha, for increasing the amounts of boron and zinc in the tissues of trees, because it is important for the homogenous induction of buds in Spring.
2) When they appear birds on the trees (October-November), which destroy the buds, foliar application with the appropriate pesticide against Anthonomus sp. Application every month from November until February.
3) At the stage before bud breaking, foliar application with zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) at 3-4Kg/100 L water/0.1ha, (if there is not frost in the area) because acts as disinfectant and additionally increases the amounts of zinc in the tissues of trees.
4) At the stage of bud swelling, foliar application with THEOCOPPER at 500cc/100L water/0.1ha and THEOCAL 100gr/100 L water/0.1ha. It is observed reduction of abscisic acid (ABA) resulting in the homogenous induction of buds.
5) At the stage of red shoot tip until the petals fall, foliar applications against Monilinia sp. every 7-10 days (total 3 applications).
6) At the stage of petals fall, foliar applications with 200cc/100L water/0.1ha THEOFAST, 300gr/100L water/0.1ha of a soluble crystal fertilizer type (0-1-2), THEOHEALTH at 500-1000cc/100L water/0.1ha, THEOBORO 50cc/100 L water/0.1ha and THEOCAL 50gr/100 L water/0.1ha. This application results for better setting of fruits, avoidance of fruit fall and enlargement of fruits. The above application with the addition of the appropriate pesticides, control Fusicladium sp., acari and Psylla sp.
6a) Application in soil through irrigation system with THEOCOPPER at 1-2L /0.1ha and THEOCAL 1Kg/0.1ha
7) 7-10 days later application of treatment 6.
8) Foliar application for the enlargement of fruits with THEOFAST 200cc/100 L water/0.1ha, THEORUN at 500-1000cc/100L water/0.1ha, THEOBORO 50cc/100 L water/0.1ha and THEOCAL 50gr/100 L water/0.1ha. For increasing the size of fruits in apple trees, foliar application with THEOHEALTH instead of THEORUN.
*When it is observed infection from acari or insects (Tetranychus sp. – Thrips sp.), it is recommended to replace THEORUN with the THEOHEALTH at 1000cc/100 L water/0.1ha together with the appropriate pesticides.
9) At the beginning of the colour appearance of fruits, foliar application with THEORUN 500cc/100 L water/0.1ha, THEOCAL50gr/100 L water/0.1ha, THEOFAST 200cc/100 L water/0.1ha, THEOBORO 50cc/100 L water/0.1ha and 300gr/0.1ha of a soluble crystal fertilizer type (3-18-40) or (9-15-27). For increasing the size of fruits in apple trees, foliar application with THEOHEALTH instead of THEORUN.
10) For early maturity of the yield, application in soil through the irrigation system with THEOVITA 2L/0.1ha, 20 days before the expected harvesting.